Friday, July 30, 2010

Arpaio for President!

Please read this article.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio is famous for his stance on crime and punishment.  If we had more leaders like him, the US would be a better place.  He's tough on crime and he's tough on illegal immigration.  Arpaio recognized a decade ago that his county of Maricopa was seeing an increase of crime, due in large part to undocumented individuals settling there. 

It's safe to say that most people, including the good sheriff, are not opposed to immigration.  It's what this country was built on.  However, what some fail to see is the damage that is caused when immigration occurs illegally. 

Just crossing the border without proper documentation is a felony.  Then, in order to rent a place to live or get a job above slave wages, these individuals must steal someone's identity; another felony.  I know this affront, personally, thanks to an illegal alien allegedly named Gloria Maldonado, who purchased my social security number at random around 1974.  All I have to do is check my credit report to know where she lives.  She doesn't even have the decency to try and hide!

In order to work for sub-minimum wage, they must take their work "under the table" which means they are not paying taxes.  That's tax evasion.  Guess what.  Another felony. 

What happens if they get sick or pregnant?  They go to a hospital where they are treated and because they have no identification, their bills often go to erroneous addresses and are never paid.  That increases the cost of medical care for the rest of us who do pay our bills.  Because medical care expenses go higher, so do the costs of insurance.

All in all, we, the legal citizens and folks otherwise here legally, have to pay for this. 

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